söndag 22 januari 2012


I'm sorry for not updating my blog but I've been busy with some thing. I will get back to the blog ones things are fine again.

You are beautiful

måndag 9 januari 2012

2012 is here

Hello my beautiful readers. I've been so sick so I haven't had the opportunity to blog. I'm still sick but I manged to open the computer and check my blog. I will update it soon I promise. Until that remember

You are beautiful

fredag 30 december 2011

New year

Yes tomorrow it's new year. How was 2011 for you? For me it was great and bad. The first semester of 2011 was amazing. I was in San Diego and if you been in SD you now what I mean. The second semester I was back home to Sweden and I've been looking for a job since June and I haven't got one yet. It's so frustrating. I have it all. I have the education, I have the experience. I have a really good personality and I'm a hard working person. Maybe it's not meant to be. Maybe there will be a awesome job waiting for me in 2012. However I really hope that 2012 will treat me well and that I will reach all of my goals.

I hope you all had a awesome year and that 2012 will bring you all joy and success. I will be taking a pause for a couple of days and will be back to you guys after new years. See you all 2012. By the way, never forget that:

You are beautiful 

onsdag 28 december 2011

Green is good

A cup of green tea is good for you and you're health. So take one or two cups a day.

tisdag 27 december 2011


I just got back home from the family and I got the stuff I ordered from Ellos and I love them all. I will take pictures wearing them and post them here so you guys can see them on. How was your Christmas? Did you get any gifts? Please share.

You are beautiful   

fredag 23 december 2011

Good night

Sorry go the poor update but it's Christmas and I'm with the fam so no time to blog. But after the holiday you guys will get a marathon of posts.

Merry Christmas.

You are beautiful.


Mine and I love it